“There's many paths out there, follow your soul to know yours.”
Ruby Bedi

My friend,
I, have as yet not met you, but I do know what you truly want. Masked within all your desires is a deeper desire to be free and independent so you can, at will, express your greatest possibilities without stress. You seek wealth, health and relationships. You seek peace and answers to your many questions because you know that all these things will make you whole and complete. You want a meaningful life. You want to be part of a greater cause and create a rich and noble legacy. You want it all because you can create it all, simply, quickly and humorously, all in your own time.

My New Soul Science™ courses are a unique platform where you learn simple but radical methodologies to access your very own soul wisdom. I teach you to access and magnify your inner resources of intelligence, intuition, awareness and energy, while connecting you to your soul script through my brilliant techniques. the New Soul Science™ courses open you to your ability to create specifically and skillfully, in conjunction with your soul network.

What is more profound than awakening to your power, potential and purpose? Imagine downloading all the universal knowledge and skill with a clear self-governing, self-creating, mind and body system. My deepest desire is to enlighten and awaken you quickly so your soul may live out its greatness and you can start helping others to do the same. If, like many others, you too want to stand out, be unique, and feel a strong sense of belonging, then get started by signing up for the New Soul Science™ introductory course!

Much love ~
Ruby Bedi

New Soul Science


The laws of creation and the speed of time have recently changed. As a result, all of existence is in the process of rising from a chaotic state to a new and healthy vibration. This vibration cradles the infinite power to create, producing a reality where our thoughts quickly become the generative actions for infinite possibilities. This field of possibilities has emerged at a whole different level across every sector, including one’s inner being and individual choices about how to function at an optimal level in the modern world. For the first time ever we are experiencing a new, upgraded, updated soul consciousness, this means a new species, a ‘New Soul’ is awakening. We’ve always known we can change our minds and our bodies, but felt that the soul consciousness was a permanent life force. This is no longer true – we can, more than ever before on this planet, access various dimensions and manifestations of our individual soul chemistry and soul organization. There’s no work towards this. It’s not a process of declaring, “I’m going to change my soul consciousness”. We can’t change what has already changed, but our job is to recognize and re calibrate with deliberate daily applications. What is most exciting is the awakening of the New Soul and consciously participate in unveiling it’s supernatural powers. Imagine! Giving birth to a new you.